Alencar, L.R.V. & Quental, T.B. 2023. Geographical and ecological drivers of coexistence dynamics in squamate reptiles. Global Ecology and Biogeography. DOI: 10.1111/geb.13745

Quental, T.B. & Pires, M.M. 2023. Clade-Level Interactions and Macroevolution. Oxford Bibliographies. DOI:10.1093/OBO/9780199941728-0147


Petrucci, B.R., Januario, M., Quental, T.B. 2022. paleobuddy: An R package for flexible simulations of diversification and fossil sampling. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13(12): 2692-2698

Hauffe, T., Pires, M.M., Quental, T.B., Wilke, T., Silvestro, D. 2022. A quantitative framework to infer the effect of traits, diversity and environment on dispersal and extinction rates from fossils. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13(6): 1201-1213

Cogni, R., Quental,T.B., Guimarães, P.R. 2022. Ehrlich and Raven escape and radiate coevolution hypothesis at different levels of organization: Past and future perspectives. Evolution 76(6): 1108-1123


Burin,G., Guimarães, P.R., Quental, T.B. 2021. Macroevolutionary Stability Predicts Interaction Patterns of Species in Seed Dispersal Networks. Science 372: 733-737

Januario M. & Quental T.B. 2021. Re-evaluation of the “law of constant extinction” for ruminants at different taxonomical scales. Evolution 75: 656-671

Alencar, L. R. V., Quental T. B. 2021. Linking population-level and microevolutionary processes to understand speciation dynamics at the macroevolutionary scale. Ecology & Evolution: 1-16.

Wendy A. Valencia-Montoya, Tiago B. Quental, João Filipe R. Tonini, Gerard Talavera, James D. Crall, Gerardo Lamas, Robert C. Busby, Ana Paula S. Carvalho, Ana B. Morais, Nicolás Oliveira Mega, Helena Piccoli Romanowski, Marjorie A. Liénard, Shayla Salzman, Melissa R. L. Whitaker, Akito Y. Kawahara, David J. Lohman, Robert K. Robbins and Naomi E. Pierce. 2021. Evolutionary trade-offs between male secondary sexual traits revealed by a phylogeny of the hyperdiverse tribe Eumaeini (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Proceedings of the Royal Society B, v. 288, p. rspb.2020.251220202512


Alencar L. R. V., Quental T.B.. 2019. Exploring the drivers of population structure across desert snakes can help to link micro and macroevolution. Molecular Ecology v. 28, p. 4529-4532, 2019

Burin G., Alencar L.R.V., Chang J., Alfaro M.E., Quental T.Q. 2019. How well can we estimate diversity dynamics for clades in diversity decline? Systematic Biology 68:47-62


Pires MM, Rankin BD, Silvestro D, Quental TB. 2018 Diversification dynamics of mammalian clades during the K–Pg mass extinction. Biology Letters 14: 20180458


Alencar, L. R. V., Martins, M., Burin, G., Quental, T. B., 2017. Arboreality constrains morphological evolution but not species diversification in vipers. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284(1869), 20171775

Quental, T. B., 2017. Biota turnovers from phylogenies. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1(12):1796

Hagen, O., Andermann, T., Quental, T. B., Antonelli, A., Silvestro, D., 2017. Estimating age-dependent extinction: contrasting evidence from fossils and phylogenies. Systematic Biology

Pires, M. M., Silvestro, D., Quental, T. B., 2017. Interactions within and between clades shaped the diversification of terrestrial carnivores. Evolution 71(7):1855-1864

Silvestro, D., Pires, M. M., Quental, T. B., Salamin, N., 2017. Bayesian estimation of multiple clade competition from fossil data. Evolutionary Ecology Research 18(1):41-59


Alencar, L. R. V., Quental, T. B., Grazziotin, F. B., Alfaro, M. L., Martins, M., Venzon, M., Zaher, H., 2016. Diversification in vipers: Phylogenetic relationships, time of divergence and shifts in speciation rates. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 105, 50-62

Ezard, T. H. G., Quental, T. B., Benton, M. J., 2016. The challenges to inferring the regulators of biodiversity in deep time. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 371 (1691), 20150216

Marshall, C. R., Quental, T. B., 2016. The uncertain role of diversity dependence in species diversification and the need to incorporate time-varying carrying capacities. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 371 (1691), 20150217

Silvestro, D., Pires, M. M., Quental, T. B., Salamin, N., 2016. Bayesian estimation of multiple clade competition from fossil data. Evolutionary Ecology Research 17

Burin, G., Kissling, W. D., Guimarães Jr, P. R., Şekercioğlu, Ç. H., Quental, T. B., 2016. Omnivory in birds is a macroevolutionary sink. Nature communications 7


Silvestro, D., Antonelli, A., Salamin, N., Quental, T. B., 2015. The role of clade competition in the diversification of North American canids. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (28), 8684-8689

Pires, M. M., Silvestro, D., Quental, T. B., 2015. Continental faunal exchange and the asymmetrical radiation of carnivores. Proc. R. Soc. B 282 (1817), 20151952


Quental, T. B. and Marshall, Charles R., 2013. How the Red Queen Drives Terrestrial Mammals to Extinction. Science (New York, N.Y.). , v.341, p.290 – 292.


Nagalingum, N. S., Marshall, C.R., Quental, T. B., Rai, H. S., Little, D. P., Mathews, S. 2011. Recent Synchronous Radiation of a Living Fossil. Science (New York, N.Y.). , v.334, p.796 – 799.

Quental, T. B. and Marshall, Charles R., 2011. The Molecular Phylogenetic Signature of Clades in Decline. Plos One. , v.6, p.e25780.

Barnosky, Anthony D., Matzke, Nicholas, Tomiya, Susumu, Wogan, Guinevere O. U., Swartz, Brian, Quental, T. B., Marshall, Charles, McGuire, Jenny L., Lindsey, Emily L., Maguire, Kaitlin C., Mersey, Ben, Ferrer, Elizabeth A., 2011. Has the Earth’s sixth mass extinction already arrived? Nature (London). , v.471, p.51 – 57.


Quental, T.B.. and Marshall C.R, 2010. Diversity dynamics: molecular phylogenies need the fossil record. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, v.25, p.434 – 441.

Ramírez, Santiago R., Nieh, James C., Quental, T. B., Roubik, David W., Imperatriz-Fonseca, Vera L., Pierce, Naomi E., 2010. A molecular phylogeny of the stingless bee genus Melipona (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, v.56, p.519 – 525.

Liow*, L.H., Quental*, T.B. and Marshall, C.R. (* share first authorship), 2010. When can decreasing diversification rates be detected with molecular phylogenies and the fossil record? Systematic Biology, v.59, p.646 – 659.

Before 2009

Quental, T.B. and Marshall, C.R., 2009. Extinction during evolutionary radiations: reconciling the fossil record with molecular phylogenies. Evolution 63-12: 3158–3167.

Quental, T.B., Patten, M.M. and Pierce N.E., 2007. Host-plant specialization by sexual selection. American Naturalist 169 (6): 830-836.

Cited by The Faculty of 1000.{:target=”_blank”}

Quental, T.B., Trigo, J.R. and Oliveira, P.S., 2005. Host-Plant Flowering Status and Sugar Concentration of Phloem Sap: Effects on an Ant-Treehopper Interaction. European Journal of Entomology 102 (2): 201-208.

Quental, T.B., Fernandez, F.A.S., Dias, A.T.C. and Rocha, F.S., 2001. Population dynamics of the marsupial Micoureus demerarae in small fragments of Atlantic Coastal Forest in Brazil. Journal of Tropical Ecology 17: 339 –352.

Fernandez, F.A.S., Pires, A.S., Freitas, D., Rocha, F.S., and Quental, T.B., 1998. Respostas de pequenos mamíferos à fragmentação de habitats em remanescentes de Mata Atlântica. Anais do IV Simpósio de Ecossistemas Brasileiros - Volume 5, Águas de Lindóia, 184-189.